NOTE: The society ships dealer orders in full cases which are very heavy. Therefore, expect some minor dings to the upper right corner as the volunteer society will not make the effort to package the shipment to avoid damage. This fact cannot be helped by Arizona Hobbies.
This book helps the model railroader understand how prototype railroads do the work they were built to do - pickup and deliver freight and passengers. As a railroad engineer, I enjoyed reading a different take on what I do for a living as a railroad engineer on the Union Pacific.
With illustrations and precise definitions this is a great book. All model railroaders, whether expert or beginner, will find a wealth of useful information in the Operations Special Interest Group's second publication, A Compendium of Model Railroad Operations: From Design to Implementation. This is a complete guide to all thing's operations, their latest offering covers every aspect of prototype operations and how to apply them to your model railroad, from design and staffing to yards and paperwork, from communications and signals to dispatching and car forwarding.
Written by ten of your fellow model railroaders and professionals, The Compendium contains more than 350 photographs, 120 illustrations, and countless tips, pointers, suggestions, and prototype information to help guide you on your journey. This book is a must for any modeler interested in prototype operations.
What to Model and Why Operate It?, pp. 1-18,
Layout Design and Operations, pp. 19-50,
'The Crew': Your Operating Positions, pp. 51-64,
Fundamentals of Freight Operations, pp. 65-106,
Passenger Operations, pp. 107-146,
Yard Operations, pp. 147-174,
Centralized Traffic Control and Railroad Signal Systems, pp. 175-206,
Authorizing Train Movement, pp. 207-252,
Model Railroad Communications, pp. 253-280,
Hosting an Operating Session, pp. 281-294,
Author Biographies, pp. 295-298.
Operations Special Interest Group, hardcover, 310 full-color pages with photographs and illustrations, 8.5 x 11 x .75 in.