This book presents a broad spectrum of Canadian Pacific Railroad stations and line-side structures, from the urban grandeur of Montreal's Windsor Station and other important terminals to isolated rural outposts across Canada. Also includes CPR bridges, tunnels, snow sheds, water tanks, hotels and marine facilities.
Contents:Introduction, pp. 1-7,CPR Hotels, pp. 8-11,Urban Terminals, (Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver) pp. 12-38,Division Points, pp. 40-53,Rural Stations, pp. 54-99,Marine Facilities, 100-109,Right-of-Way (Spiral Tunnels, Bridges, Water Tanks), pp. 110-128.
Hardcover with dust jacket, 128 pages, 8.5 x 11 in., Color photographs with captions.