Hardcover with jacket, 308 pages, B&W photographs, maps and illustrations.
Logging Railroads in Skagit County: The First Comprehensive History of the Logging Railroads in Skagit County, Washington State, USA by Dennis Blake Thompson.
This book is packed full of striking B&W photographs of early country logging camps, unique engines and the men who worked-and occasionally died-operating the huge machines.
Author Dennis Thompson spent more than 10 years painstakingly researching the fascinating and colorful early logging operations in Washington State's Skagit County. The result, 308 pages with 411 photographs and dozens of drawings, is an incredible portrayal of an important early industry in a rugged and untamed land. Through a combination of personal experience, countless interviews, and scores of hours pouring over historical archives, Dennis presents a complete and very interesting account and a well-chronicled period of our history.
From the small operations that probably would have faded from memory forever to the area giants such as English Logging Company and Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills, you'll get complete details: How, why, where and when they started, what kind of equipment they used, what areas they worked, and ultimately what became of them. Backing up the concise, interesting, and often amusing text are some outstanding photographs that complete the story. From life in a logging camp to the perils of a locomotive wreck, you'll see it all.
The first printing of this book sold out quickly after readers discovered exactly how interesting and unique this work truly is. This printing features the same high-quality 80# acid-free glossy stock and is hardcovered with a dust jacket.
English Lumber Company, pp. 1-50,
Scott Paper Company and Early Hamilton Loggers, pp. 51-96,
Heislers at Birdsview, pp. 97-112,
Salt Water and Inclines, pp. 113-126,
Rails From the North, pp. 127-142,
Steam Dummies and Disconnects, pp. 143-178,
The Heyday of Big Lake, pp. 179-190,
The Devil's Lake by Rail, pp. 191-198,
And Behind Every Tree: A Thumbnail Sketch of Thirty-eight Logging Railroads, pp. 199-242,
List of Logging Railroads in Skagit County,
Blackman Locomotive and Car Patent Drawings,
Skagit Steel and Iron Works,
Scale Drawings of Pilchuck Creek Bridge, Fordson Locomotive Conversion, Sessoms Lowering System,
Rosters of Locomotives,
Foldout Map: English Lumber Company all-time railroad grades,
Logging Railroads of Skagit County, Map of abandoned railroads.