Now in its 13th year of publication, the 2018 On30 Annual brings you the best of On30 projects, layouts, modules, locomotives and rolling stock by the top authors in the scale. On30 modelers are all about building and the On30 Annual is loaded with both building ideas and layout projects that challenge and teach. This year's issue will provide the modeler with well over a year's worth of On30 inspiration and modeling projects.
Build a Diorama by Paul Taylor: No place for a layout? Dioramas are fun and easy.
Making a Logging Co. Woods Super's Car by Joseph Kriess: Dirtying up a die-cast car for woods duty.
Mount Blue Railbus by Allen K. Littlefield: Can't leave well enough alone.
New Life For an Old Tender by Lee Bishop: A new water car for the Stoney Creek Southern.
Water Car Wisdom by Chris Lane: Railroad rolling stock recycling with drawings.
Sound That Should Be Seen and Not Heard by Jim Wells: From model railroad, to theme park, and back again!
Making Amigos by Gary Beatty: Techniques for sculpting scale figures with personality.
My Dad's House by Bob Bennett: Building a model with memories.
San Juan Junction by Joshua and Emilian Cirtina: Building Southwest Colorado in the UK.
Along the Right-Of-Way by George B. Riley: Equipping the track gang.
A Cab Forward Through the Redwoods by Dennis Ivison: Turning a 2-6-6-2 around.
From BLI C-16 to Superdetailed C-18 by Dylan Hutson: Swapping drivers, new crossheads and full cab details.
Scratchbuilding an O Scale Snag Boat by Joseph Kriess: How the Mosquito Creek Lumber Company clears debris.
The Puerto Borracho Railway by Gary Beatty: Fish tacos, tequilla and trains? Muy excelente!
The Square Footer Challenge by Allen K. Littlefield: Building contest models in a 12-inch by 12-inch space.
Traveling Toolbox for Craftsman Modelers by Ron Guttman: All your tools in a furniture grade mobile case.
3-D Printing Basics by Robb Thomas: Designing a locomotive shell for an existing mechanism.
The Dead Tree Subdivision by Jim O'Connell: A 4-foot by 6-foot layout of the Pinnacle Creek Mining & Timber Co.
The On48 Compromise by David Barnkow: A journey into On30 dual-gauge.
An Elderly Modeler Makes a Plan by Terry Wheeler: I did it, I really did it!
The Magaby Mining Company Railroad by Marianne Norwich: A layout that keeps expanding.
On30 Product Spotlight by On30 Annual Staff: New releases for 2018. White River Productions, softcover,