Hardcover, 184 pages, standard portrait format, 8 x 10 in., B&W and Color photographs and illustrations (approx. 20% Color), maps, timetable and advertising reproductions.
This title is larger than the two previous titles on the Passenger Trains of Texas with 38 more pages. Since there are many older historical photographs, most of the book has B&W photographs. Color illustrations of timetable covers are included on the inside cover pages. This is a very nice book covering the famous and the more obscure trains the CB&Q and affiliates operated in the state of Texas.
Contents:The Burlington Route in Texas, The Early Years, pp. 6-9,WV Trains 109-110 (Wichita Falls-Waurika), pp. 10-15,FW&D Trains 5-6, WEST TEXAN (Dallas-Wichita Falls), pp. 16-17,WV Trains 111-112 (Wichita Falls-Abeliene), pp. 18-35,WV Trains 117-118 (Stamford-Spur), pp. 36-41,FW&D Trains 91-92 (Childress-Pampa), pp. 42-46,FW&D Trains 101-102 (Childress-Lubbock), pp. 47-63,Burlington-Rock Island Trains 11-12 RED HEAD (Dallas-Houston), pp. 64-67,B-RI Trains 11-12 PIONEER ZEPHYR (Dallas-Houston), pp. 68-76,B-RI Trains 3-4 SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR (Dallas-Houston), pp. 77-111,FW&D Trains 7-8 (Dallas-Denver), pp. 112-125,FW&D Trains 1-2 TEXAS ZEPHYR (Dallas-Denver), pp. 126-184.