With rumors Union Pacific would be placing their 6900 series DD40AX's into storage, this trip became a must.
Following the UP mainline from Archer Hill, East of Cheyenne to Green River, Wyoming. The basic goal was to chase and photograph as many "Centennial" lead trains as possible.
Loco types seen include SD40-2's, DD35A's and B's, GP-9's, GP-40X, U30C's on coal and ore moves, SD24B and GP30B in consists. Southern Pacific tunnel motors and Western Pacific pool power. Unit PFE reefer trains are also captured.
Locations include Archer Hill, Cheyenne, Borie, Buford, Hermosa, Laramie, Rawlins and Green River.
John Pechulis Media, 57 minutes; COLOR; Subtitled only, no narration or background music.