This is the fifth and final all-color book by author Tom Dill on Southern Pacific's Pacific Lines routes in the west and southwest United States. Now follow the Sunset Route from Los Angeles through southern California, Arizona and New Mexico to El Paso, Texas. Then follow the Golden State Route northeast from El Paso to Tucumcari, New Mexico and the connection with the Rock Island. Included is a brief trip through California's Imperial Valley and Baja California on the way to San Diego.
There are very extensive captions along with more than 260 never before published color photographs. Featured is the last of Southern Pacific's steam locomotives and first and early second-generation diesel-electric locomotive operations. The time frame for this Volume is the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s.
Contents:Acknowledgments, Bibliography, pg. 2-4,Introduction, pp. 5-7,Los Angeles Division, pp. 8-61,Tucson Division, pp. 62-95,Rio Grande Division, pp. 96-128.
Four Ways West Publications, hardcover, 128 pages, standard portrait book 8 x 10 in., color photographs and illustrations.