An historical account of the rise and demise of the Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad which lasted from 1905 to 1919. The railroad served the gold and silver mining districts of southern Nevada including Tonopah, Goldfield, Bullfrog and Rhyolite.
Leading the company was one-time US Senator, William Andrews Clark, and his brother James Ross. William Clark was the key to the development of Las Vegas, Nevada and Clark County, Nevada and Clarkdale, Arizona are named after him.
Included is related information on other companies Las Vegas Ranch, Las Vegas Land and Water Company and the Tonopah & Goldfield (with connections to the Virginia & Truckee and Carson & Colorado) and the Bullfrog, Goldfield and Tonopah & Tidewater railroads.
Inside are nearly 225 black & white photographs and illustrations, timetables and maps plus 40 color images of artifacts, ephemera and maps. Also included are comprehensive locomotive, rolling stock and station name material.
Contents:Nevada Mining and Railroads, pp. 5-16,The Clark Brothers, pp. 17-38,Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad, pp. 39-128,Appendix (color photographs, shops, distance tables, locomotive and rolling stock rosters), pp. 129-155,Bibliography and Index, pp. 156-160.
Omni Publications, hardcover, 160 pages.